A fractured premolar and intact molar both effected by periodontal disease resulting in necessary extraction. Thanks again to Macedon Ranges Equine Vets for their attendance.
Are Dental Treatments Necessary?
A little time off over Christmas and it was straight back into it last week. It’s nice to be back tracking around the countryside treating horses. Today saw the removal of this premolar in dear little spunky. What stoic animals
Horse Dental Care: Permanent Tooth Eruption
There are a lot of theories based around the management of horses during the ages of permanent tooth eruption (2.5yo-4.5yo). Many people underestimate the importance of regular dental visits, often having the view that ‘nature will take its course’. The
Horse Dental Extractions
Back into the full swing of things this week. Dental treatments, extractions and trimming.
Macedon Ranges Equine Dentist
There was no other option but extraction for this severely decayed incisor. Thank you to Olivia from Macedon Equine Vets for attending and providing sedation and pain relief. Undoubtedly this horse will be feeling better without this tooth.
Gisborne Equine Tooth Extraction
A great day of dentistry and trimming in the Gisborne, area today. Extracted this corner incisor and upper molar due to advanced periodontal disease. Then a couple of short sweet session with VBA bright. I am so happy with his
Woodend Equine Dental and Hoofcare
A big day of dentistry and trimming in Woodend, Victoria and Gisborne, Victoria. Coming into winter is a good time to have your horses teeth checked, to ensure a healthy weight is maintained over the colder months.
Horse Tooth Extraction
A big day of extractions today. Thank you to Olivia Greenwood from Macedon Ranges Equine Vets and Peter Borgdorff. This little pony will be feeling much better! If you’re finding your pony having difficulty eating, or noticing unusual behaviour, it
RDA Weekend Hoof Trimming
It was great to see so many familar faces at the RDA weekend. We did some hoof trimming while we were there, and did some dental examinations.
Equine Oral Examination
What I found during an oral examination of this horse! A stick was wedged between the molars causing damage to the gums. Without a thorough examination it can be hard to know what can be lurking within your horses mouth.